Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Classic Rum and Coke

Classic Cuba Libre
(Rum and Coke)
2 oz light rum
Coca Cola
Lime wedge
Glassware: Highball
Pour rum first into an ice-filled highball glass. Top with cola and garnish with lime wedge.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Classics and Modern

Rum and Coke
Dirty Martini
Pina Colada

Stay Tune Recipes and Pics are Coming........

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009

WHAT THE HELL!!!!!! are People thinking about when they order

Smoked Salmon "Ceviche" with Bagel Espuma

Scallop Ceviche with Passion Friut and Sweet Corn

Tenderlion With Cauliflower Puree,Rstd Parsnip and Black Truffle Butter

Game Hen with Butternut Squash,Green Beans,Savory Bread Pudding

Tomato "Tartare" Salad

Monday, August 24, 2009

Lamb, Orzo Salad, Cumin Cherry Tomatoes, Tahini "Paint"

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Venus & The Cellar Bar

95 Main Street, Easthampton, Mass

Main Dining Room

Wall of Local Artist Paintings

The Cellar Bar

Dining Room Cellar Bar

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